I'd like to apologize for not introducing you to the youngest and most adorable member of our team, Carson. Who, by the way, is expecting a new brother or sister come February. Carson loves to figure things out, has a great throwing arm, and lights up our days with a killer smile. Everyone, meet Carson.

Days start really early here and breakfast is a very social time. If I remember correctly, it's so you can get a good bit of work in before it gets too hot. A traditional Khmer breakfast includes bbq pork and rice or a noodle dish in broth. I'm not doing the food justice, so just trust me when I say it's delicious.
Big news on the street: We've got bikes! Jennifer is still holding out to make sure it's a mode of transportation that will be most useful to her, so just Bekah and I have them right now. Hers is Texas orange. It used to be Danielle's and Vandenn loves that school (understatement :) Mine is, as Joe calls it, a beautiful oxidized blue. They have baskets, bells, and a tire-powered generator for a light. I rode mine home from the store and took a video while on the street. Too much fun...
Bekah and I offered to ride to the supermarket to pick up dinner. Vandenn and Danielle graciously allowed us, but then waited nearly 2 hours for us to come back. Things started off well. We found the mall, paid to park our bikes, and explored the grocery aisles for ingredients. But then we missed our turn on the way home. We've concluded that the city looks very different in the dark. Some people tried to help us, but that blasted language barrier made it hard :) Things were figured out and we arrived safely.
We gave directions in Khmer to a tuktuk driver tonight after dinner. Hooray for language lessons!