Thursday marked the greatest day I've had for language learning. A man next to me at lunch finally understood when I asked him where he bought a fried pie with banana (something I'd wanted to try for weeks now). My language tutor changed her teaching style to allow for more authentic practice. We only spoke Khmer the whole time and carried on normal, albeit broken, conversation. Then a woman in the market sat me down to teach her common greetings in English and I could because I understood a lot of what she asked me. Yeah. Yeah! Good language day.
Time spent at the university continues to pick up. Two more students have joined the staff, meeting our needed quota. They've cleaned the books and cleaned the shelves. Now they're warmly greeting visitors and helping us plan for classes. They are delightful, truly delightful.
Pop! Flap, flap, flap... [stop]. "Oh..." That's what happens when your bike tire blows. The inner tube was still intact, allowing me to continue on to school. I took it to a bike service station where I got a tire change, oil, and lube job for $3. My name is in their computer now so maybe I'll get some coupons for the next visit. Kidding, kidding...
The last picture below is just a glimpse of the sea of motos parked at the university. Motos: The Students' Choice for Transportation.

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