The whole lot of us knew nothing of what to expect when we got to the Water Festival. There are many stories of walking for up to an hour to get there because it was thought there would be no parking close by. In actuality, to go in the daylight hours was quite pleasant and not so crowded. After having lunch with a friend and her family (trying seafood pizza for the first time), and being attacked by a 4 year old boy from behind with two balloons, we joined others by the river to watch the boat races.
The men in the boats were like machines. Some were in such tight rhythm together! Amazing! They raced two-by-two, one race after the other. There were over 400 boats. When they finished a race and rowed passed the crowds there was still such a look of exhilaration in their faces. Reminded me of how much I like watching raw competition.
I left after a couple of hours and noticed a little more of the festivities other than the races. It was so familiar to me, really. People were sitting in the grass talking and eating. Vendors were selling favorite foods and toys for kids. There were promotion booths playing loud music. As the t-shirts say, "Same Same, but Different."

Legend has it that the balloon fight competitions now central to the festival began with two ambitious exhibitionists and a phone cam. You never how much they stretch it, though.