It's not always a bed of roses here. While I thoroughly enjoy riding my bike, patience is tried when the rain comes and there are groceries in your basket and important paperwork in your backpack. And while being sweaty has become commonplace and expected, mixing damp clothes with sweat is far from a sweet aroma. Waking up to piles of sawdust on your wardrobe one morning because somehow termites appeared and decided to eat away at it can get under the skin a little, too. Or a leaking sink that you're not confident the landlord will fix so you put a bucket under it and you just know mosquitoes try to use it for a breeding ground...yeah, that too. Speaking of mosquitoes, have you ever woke up to a line of itching down your body and as you lose the stupor of sleep realize you've been bitten five times so you turn on the light and wait 10-15 minutes to catch the little bugger?
All that to say that life is life here, too. The exhilaration of adventure in a new country does not entirely mask the day-to-day annoyances of life that we're all familiar with. That's all I'm sayin'.
Praise be to the Father that joy is a choice!