Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Couple Ordinary Days

A sense of routine has started to set in. The hotel is getting homier and the city's sights, sounds, and smells more familiar. There is still PLENTY more to see and experience, but our main focus is class and that keeps us busy until just before dinner. Speaking of which, I hear the restaurants don't start filling up until 8. We eat before then so I haven't seen one crowded yet.

Below is a picture from our latest classroom here in the hotel and the view from the window. It gives you a feel for the metropolis we're in. Then there's a little timeline we threw together for history comprehension and the beloved lake with its swan-shaped paddle boats. It's at this same lake that you can pay to get in a huge clear ball and roll across the water. You may be in for a big treat before training's over :)

1 comment:

  1. hi Big O, so glad you are doing OK after allergic incident....did you get the benedryl, just in case....? how is the classes? learning language much? history sounds neat...later Lois
