Friday, April 2, 2010

Some introductions...

Q's and A's

Q. Where are you going?

A. Phnom Penh, Cambodia in southeast Asia

Q. What will you be doing there?

A. Teaching! I will be teaching English in a university.

Q. When do you leave?

A. July 26 - I'll fly to Colorado for a few days before going on to Vietnam for a three-week training.

Q. How long will you be there?

A. 2 years.

Q. Will you get to come home during that time?

A. Yes. I can come home for about 7 weeks over the summer.

Q. Will you be living in a grass hut?

A. I wish! But no, I'll be living in an apartment most likely.

Q. Are you going alone?

A. Nope. There is a team of teachers already there that I'll be joining.

Let's see how this works...

Greetings, all ye visitors!

Blogging, like so many other things now, is a brand spanking new experience for me. My hope is that it encourages the body and brings honor to our Lord. May it be a great way for you to see how He is making His name great throughout the nation of Cambodia!