...congealed blood in Asia. It's true. During a trip to our favorite market we stopped for lunch. As usual, we let them serve us whatever was communicated when we answered "yes" to their questions. As I looked down into my bowl I noticed some unidentifiable fragments. The exchange went something like, "Bekah, is this blood?" "Yeah." "Does is melt?" That's the new question. I couldn't tell if it was melting blood causing the reddish hue in my soup or some added seasoning. I don't know if I have the courage to find out. I have met my cuisine match.
The weekend was composed of a classical piano concert, learning to cook lok lak and spring rolls, and a birthday bash. All of those events included the company of Cambodian students or recent graduates that were befriended by Mindy in the past year and a half. What an encouragement to see how her relationships have grown to be so full of joy!
My work here has extended to co-managing the English library on campus. Bekah and I have the privilege of heading up renovations, hiring student staff, and planning programs to promote its use. It's a fantastic way to serve the university, which by the way is becoming more familiar to us every day. We've been manning a table to provide info on a new English-based major each afternoon for the last two weeks. Now we're able to smile and greet a few acquaintances as we walk through the halls. Ah, the signs of building community. So nice.
Enjoy the picture of the over-sized preying mantis. Later that day we only saw its legs lying there. Something had some good eatin'.